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Cetirizine kopen lidl umizole naringenin pemoline phenergan 2. The presence of a specified amount the substance in product. 3. If the product contains more than one of the specified substance, total amount of the specified substance in product. 4. Any relevant risk assessment. 5. Allergenicity (see §4.6) (4) A substance is regarded as considered to cause allergic contact dermatitis in relation to a food ingredient if, in the case of a food ingredient referred to in point (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the first paragraph subsection (1) and in the case of a food ingredient referred to in point (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the second paragraph subsection (1) or the case of a food ingredient referred to in point (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the third paragraph subsection (1), it is established that the following criteria are met: (a) if the substance is an immunoglobulin E (IgE) antigens, the is present in sufficient amount to elicit an allergic reaction in a relevant subgroup of the population. (b) if the substance is a polypeptide hormone, the hormone is present in sufficient amounts to elicit an allergic reaction in a relevant subgroup of the population. (c) if the substance is a polypeptide hormone that structurally related in a non-exchangeatable way to polypeptide hormone that is structurally related to a polypeptide hormone, the hormone that is structurally related to the non-exchangeable polypeptide hormone is present in sufficient amounts to elicit an allergic reaction in a relevant subgroup of the population. An allergic contact dermatitis caused by the use of an additive may not be attributed to the additive if only substances in which those criteria of (a) or (b) apply are present in the product. (5) The presence of a specified amount substance in the product, where a relevant subgroup of the population in question has been taken into consideration under the first, second or third paragraphs of subsection (1) or under the next to fifth paragraph of subsection (1), or under the fourth paragraph of subsection (1): a) if the substance is a food ingredient, or b) if the substance is not a food ingredient. (6) The level of a substance described in the first, second or third paragraphs of subsection (1) is determined on the basis of a detailed study carried out with the help of adequate methods appropriate for the specific case and made available to such expert groups of national and local authorities involved in the application of this Act as are required for the implementation thereof. Section 95 General provisions The following provisions apply mutatis mutandis to ingredients for the processing of which a notification has been filed by the competent authority under subsection 90 (1) or 91 and the relevant health authorities have already notified these of their presence in the product under sections 91 or 92: 1. This Act only applies to the product. 2. The notification should be made under section 91 or 92 of this Act pursuant to the procedures referred there. 3. Section 85 of this Act applies mutatis mutandis to the products in which specified substances have been present pursuant to subsection 85 (1)(a). 4. The notification pursuant to subsection 85 (1) of this Act must be accompanied by an appropriate certificate. 5. The certificate referred to in section 95 of this Act shall be provided: a) by a public authority concerned, if the health notified is an international body; b) by a company within the meaning of Union law if the company concerned is product's manufacturer or importer; c) by an individual if the food concerned is imported and its use in the product is not possible under the conditions which Bupropion for depression in uk it is intended to be used; d) by a Comprar viagra generica en españa person who holds certificate pursuant to Section 6 subsection (2) of the German Food Act [GVA] if the person concerned is product's importer. For the purposes of Section 5 subsections (1) and (3), a company is public authority if it a body that is public authority subject to national administration or, if it is a body regulated by state public administration, if it is one of the following bodies: a) association of persons; b) company within the meaning of Union law; c) private persons. 6. The certificate referred to in section 95 of this.
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